Using Open Access Models
for Science Dissemination
- ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 7-16 July 2008
E. Canessa, C. Fonda and M. Zennaro (ICTP-SDU, Italy)
International Advisory Commitee:
Philip E. BOURNE (PLoS Computational Biology)
- Program (with synchronized audio-video-slides)
- Participants: List - Blog
- EyA Automated Workshop Recordings
- Free Book: Science Dissemination using Open Access
Workshop Overview
A better understanding on what Open Access is, and examples of what it offers to individual scientists and to scientific institutions in Developing Countries, will be presented. The aim of the workshop is not only to introduce the newest technologies in Open Access but also to give participants an extensive hands-on experience on selected techniques.
Participants will be exposed to the tremendous resources and possibilities available to the scientific community including
- Potential of Open Access in science
- Open Source software for Open Access
- Open Access policy, advocacy and editorial roles
- Open Access publishing and repository design for science
- Open Access repositories and eJournals - case studies
- Web 2.0 for Open Access
Scientists and students from all countries which are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA may attend the Workshop. As it will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of this language. Although the main purpose of the Centre is to help researchers from Developing Countries, through a programme of training activities within a framework of international cooperation, students and post-doctoral scientists from advanced countries are also welcome to attend.
As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be borne by the home institution. Every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fare (or at least half-fare). However, limited funds are available for some participants who are nationals of, and working in, a developing country, and who are not more than 45 years old. Such support is available only for those who attend the entire activity. There is no registration fee to be paid. For both technical reasons and limited resources the total attendance to this Workshop is limited.