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Automatic Recordings via EyA System
The Science Dissemination Unit (SDU) of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, has been created with the broad aim of disseminating ICTP scientific contents and programs to more people than are able to visit the Centre, throughout the world, via electronic, digital, satellite and other information and communication tools.
Among other things, the SDU has developed a web archive of audio/video presentations with synchronized slides of Digital Lectures delivered at ICTP workshops, conferences and at the Diploma Course.
openEyA is the Linux-based version of the EyA recording system
EyA in Action: Examples
- A Mathematics ICTP Diploma Course recordings of a Traditional Chalkboard Lecture:
View now:QuickTime,
- Outside-campus recording example: Seminar
- ICTP International Conference: All Talks
Awards and EyA on the News
- EyA is the winner of the Premio Innovazione of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia in the non-profit and public institutions category (2007/2008)
- Il Piccolo [ Newspaper from Trieste] (in Italian):
7 Feb - 8 Feb - 11 Feb 2008 - Messaggero Veneto [ Newspaper from Fruili] (in Italian): 8 Feb 2008

Articles Published on EyA
- "Supporting Science in Developing Countries using Open Technologies" - European Journal of Physics. 30 (2009) 651-660.
- "One year of ICTP diploma courses on-line using the automated EyA recording system" - Computers & Education 53 (2009) 183-188.
- "Tecnologia EyA: Uma Ferramenta para Produção e Difusão Automatizada de Aulas Digitais na Web" - Novas Tecnologias na Educação, Vol.6, No.2, Dec 2008.
- "Academic Webcasting using the Automated EyA Recording System" - Proceedings Conference: INTED-International Technology, Education anbd Development, Valencia/Spain, March 2008.
- "Open Webcasting: Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge" - Information for Development (i4d) Magazine, pp. 18-19, Feb 2008.
- "The Video Revolution Made Simple" - PhysicsWorld Magazine, pp. 14, Dec 2007.
- "Come Registrare Automaticamente e Pubblicare in Internet Conferenze e Lezioni e Raggiungere un Milione di Scienziati" - DE QUALITATE: Rivista Italiana della Qualita', n.10, anno XVI, pp. 26-32, Nov 2007.
- "EyA System: Automated Audio-Video-Slide Recordings" - Proceedings Conference: ICL-Interactive Computer Aided Learning, Villach/Austria, Sept 2007.
- "Webcasting of Traditional Chalkboard Lectures: The EyA System" - EURODL European Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Sept 2007
Presentations on EyA
Some public presentations (seminars, talks, conferences, posters, etc) on the, motivation, technologies and strategies adopted for EyA:
- Oct 2009 ("Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access and Dissemination", Trieste)
- "ICTP Diploma Course On-line" [ PDF ]
- March 2009 (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) dell'Universita' Ca' Foscari, Venezia):
- "(open)EyA - Enhance your Audience"
- Dec 2008 (XII Palestras sobre Novas Tecnologias na Educação, Porto Alegre, Brazil):
- "Tecnologia EyA: Uma Ferramenta para Produção e Difusão Automatizada de Aulas Digitais na Web" [ In collaboration with Waldir Roque, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - PDF]
- July 2008 (Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination, Trieste):
- "Open Academic Webcasting with ICTP EyA System" [ PDF ]
View Seminar:QuickTime,
- Dec 2007 (Rich-Media Webcasting Technologies for Science Dissemination, Trieste):
- "EyA Automated Recording System: Overview of Digital Lectures at ICTP" [ PDF ]
- Oct 2007 (Comunicare Fisica 07, Trieste):
- "... e se 1.000.000 scienziati assistessero al tuo seminario scientifico?" [ PDF ] (in Italian)
- Sept 2007 (ICL- Interactive Computer Aided Learning, Villach, Austria):
- "EyA System: Automated Audio-Video-Slide Recordings" [ PDF ]
- June 2007 (WWDC07 - Apple Developers Conference, USA):
- "EyA: Enhance your Conference Audience using Apple Technologies" [ Poster: PDF ]
- May 2007 (FEST -International Science Media Fair, Trieste):
- "... e se 1.000.000 scienziati assistessero al tuo seminario scientifico?" (in Italian)
View Seminar:QuickTime,
- March 2007 (ICTP Seminar):
- "ICTP Research on Digital Lectures: Your Talks Delivered to a Million Scientists" [ PDF ]
- May 2006 (ICTP Seminar):
- "Prototype of a Live Broadcasting System and Its Possible Use for the ICTP Diploma Course" [ PDF ]
- "(open)EyA - Enhance your Audience"
Other EyA Recordings in the World
- ICTP-SISSA Statistical Physics Seminars: Statistical Physics
- IODE Training Courses:
- Data Management for the Caribbean Marine Atlas (13-20 February 2008)
Conferences on EyA Technologies
- Trieste, Italy, 12—16 October 2009
- Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access and Dissemination
- Trieste, Italy, 7—16 July 2008
- Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination
- Trieste, Italy, 3—11 December 2007
- Rich-Media Webcasting Technologies for Science Dissemination
Academic Blogs talking about EyA
- Gravita Zero Blog - Feb 2008
- e-Content - Nov 2007
- - Oct 2007
- Marco Ronchetti Blog - Sep 2007
Some EyA Technicalities
The new SDU integrated system for the rich-media web archiving of the ICTP Diploma Course and Workshop activities is named EyA which stands for "Enhance your Audience".
EyA is a completely automated and non-intrusive system --in fact, the idea is that a Lecturer/Speaker should not even notice its presence or be disturbed by any special tecnological requests. It is being developed in-house by ICTP-SDU.
All available recordings are available via this website "" by day and hour. Following the links you will reach a webpage for each hour (from minute 00 to minute 59:30") starting -for instance- from 9:00 AM and up to 7:00 PM. Each webpage selected will show a video stream recorded in the selected lecture room together with high resolution images of the projection screen and the blackboard, automatically refreshed and synchronized with the video. The recording during each hour is made available 15 minutes after the end of the hour. Local time zone is CET (GMT+1).
You can download the recordings as zip archives, the average dimension is less than 180 MB per recorded hour.
The dissemination of scientific data and information is necessary for the advancement of research and education in order to provide contents that contribute to the benefit and well-being of society and to promote international scientific and technological activities.
EyA systems can be seen as a concrete example of helping to bridge the knowledge divide in developing countries and across the north-south divide.